5 Yoga Poses to find space in your body and flip a breech baby
Jan 19, 2024Over the past couple months, I have had more than one prenatal mother going through the experience of their baby being breech. A breech baby is when the baby is essentially upside down, their feet or bottom are positioned at the bottom of the uterus. If you are experiencing this, I want you to pause, take a deep breath, and let go of expectations. Trust that your body and baby know exactly what they need to be doing. You are capable of maintaining a sense of calm and releasing control in this experience. You are supported by your care team, and will be held throughout the journey by those around you.
At the same time of releasing control, I’m sure you also want to do everything in your power to try and flip the baby. In order for a baby to flip, you need to create space in your body and find pelvic alignment.
Here are 5 yoga postures that you can do at home to support you in finding space in your body, opening up the opportunity for baby to flip.
Downward Dog at the Wall
Place hands on the wall, and walk feet back, slightly wider than hip distance. Melt your heart towards the earth as you send your hips back. Breathe in space to your body, and rest into the pose.
Wide Legged Forward Fold at the Wall
Place hands on the wall, and walk feet back, approximately the width of one of your legs lengths, maybe more. Melt your heart towards the earth as you send your hips back. Breathe in space to your body, and rest into the pose.
Table Top (On hands or elbows)
Place hands underneath shoulders, and legs wider than your hips, creating space for baby. Feel your spine grow long from the crown of your head out through to your tailbone. Engage your core to keep your torso and low back supported. Breathe here.
Option to come down onto your elbows.
Option to add slow hip circles.
Puppy pose
Keeping knees wide, and hips high above your knees, start to walk your hands forward, melting your heart towards the earth. Have support of blocks, bolsters, or pillows under your chest. Breathe here.
Option to have elbows bent. The farther the hands are walked away from your body, the deeper the stretch will be in the upper torso.
Little bridge with support
Lie on your back, and have the support of blocks, bolsters, or pillows nearby. Place a pillow under your head. Plant your feet, knees to sky, as you exhale, engage your gluteal muscles and abdominals lifting your hips up to the sky. Slide you supports underneath your hips, and slowly lower the pelvis down onto the support. Support should rest just at the bottom of your sacrum, low back area before you reach the tailbone.
Palms can rest comfortably and breath into your body.
Top come out of this pose, slowly lift your hips and slide out the support. Roll to one side and pause there for a few breaths before slowly pressing yourself up.
Other things to try:
- Chiropractor
- Acupuncture
- Swimming
Please note: these yoga postures are not a guaranteed outcome of having a baby flip and engaged for birth, but just provide the opportunity for your body to create space for the baby to move.
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